
Revenue Driven for Our Clients
 With triggered emails, email marketing is one of the greatest and the most famous marketing strategies and the best ways. It can maximize your sales conversions and help optimize your SEO results.

However, it is usually limited to sending triggered emails to greet users or sell new products. As a result, most people fall into the spam folder and rarely see a bright day.

Does this mean that email marketing is dead?


With emails enabled, you can always take advantage of email marketing.

It knew that activated emails have a relatively high success rate compared to traditional emails.

According to a new study:

  • Triggered emails ($ 0.95) can generate 24 times more revenue ($ 0.04) than massive and explosive emails.
  • His participation also tripled, and his life span increased. 24% to 23% of participation events occur after 24 hours.

In this article, you will learn how to enable email, how it works, and how to use it for conducting business conversations.

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What Are Triggered Emails?

Activated email results from a specific action performed by the target audience.

As a rule, a set of predefined actions (or lack thereof) causes your automated email marketing system to generate included emails.

Email enabled uses the following factors to trigger a client response.

  • Date and demographic data for the target audience.
  • Behavior, like affirmative action or lack of response.
  • Internal or external factors, such as seasonal trends or business activity.

Buypreferences at different stages of the travel buyer.

Since the Triggered emails are aimed at specific users and encourage them to take certain actions, they have a relatively better chance of success. That is why you can use them to increase conversion quickly and efficiently.

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The method is as follows:

  1. Start with Integrated Onboard Email

Integrated email is the best way to create an extraordinary first meeting with your brand.

You must inform the user of what you will receive in the future.

In essence, you should act as a guide to help your new customers understand how your service or product works and what to do next.

Groove email integration is one of the best examples of onboarding email creation.

Without graphics, a simple email from Groove’s CEO called “You Lick More, Quick Question ….”

User question: “Why are you registering with Groove?”

This is a great way to start a conversation with new users and understand their questions.

  1. Restore old flame

Not! I’m not talking about your high school.

This old flame is your client, and he stopped talking to you for a while.

Like most people, their customers will be involved in their lives and completely forget about their products or services.

When this happens, you must retake part to remind them that you have created an excellent connection with the object.

Sometimes users need to remember their product; they only need a little help.

You can send an email with re-activation when the last purchase or login is inactive for 15, 30, or 45 days, depending on the type of inaction and the measures taken.

For example, if a user ignores his email, he can choose a simple setting, such as Grammarly.

In its re-engagement email, Grammarly sends simple and accurate reminders to the user if it lacks content. Your bold GO button is beautiful.

What do you think?

Adidas took the road with more courage when they saw the abandoned cart.

Instead of asking customers why they do not pay for the purchase, the brand uses a simple but bold method when charging a Wi-Fi connection.

Email “Is your Wi-Fi correct?” This is an excellent example of how to resume a conversation after leaving the basket.

  1. Show Them That You Care

Maintaining existing customers is the fastest way to increase sales. The best way is to provide the best user experience.

The included email provides excellent user interaction in a variety of ways. One of the most common methods is email transactions to share critical data with your users in real time.

American Airlines uses transaction notifications to send real-time updates to customers, from aircraft to simple registration reminders.

In the same way, you can send an email to notify customers about order cancellations, delivery details, rule updates, and other important events.

Just be sure to send the appropriate letter. You want to be something other than urgent.

Another way to show customers that you value customers is to send gifts and discounts on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or anniversaries.

It should be general to customers.

Bark Box is a box for subscribing to toys and snacks for dogs that send personalized emails to subscribers on their birthdays.

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  1. Show the Benefits of Right Action

If it is advisable to remind users that they are not acting, it is better to encourage their positive behavior.

When you appreciate the last positive movement of buyers, you become a champion of the brand and encourage it to buy again.

They can also encourage other users to take action, increasing sales.

Email activation can help you reward your customers for these positive actions.

Starbucks uses this strategy to encourage loyal customers.

This accurate and straightforward email tells regular customers how to redeem their loyalty points for free drinks or food.

Tickets for rides in this strategy continue. After reaching 100,000 likes on Facebook, the company organized a live stream on Facebook to win exclusive prizes.

  1. Perform the Communication Step

You can continue the conversation with an activated email.

It would help if you communicated regularly so that your customers are involved.

But your communication should add value to users and interest them. Using raw mail to harass them will have the opposite effect.

One way to ensure continuous communication is to explain to the user how to use your product or to be notified of the latest updates or changes.

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For example, you can create a series of quick email tips or ask users to enter them after attending an event or product. You can also provide configuration recommendations for configuration or integration files.

Salesforce uses a simple messaging strategy to continue the conversation.

After Connections, Salesforce, digital marketing, business, and customer service, the company emailed participants and told them how Salesforce could help their organization.

The email contains links to relevant reports and e-books.


As you can see, you can customize a series of triggered emails initiated to help you maintain existing customers and increase sales conversion.

It takes time and effort to develop a communications strategy for attracting customers at different stages of the customer path. But the effort is worth it.


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